
 别名:Simone McAullay  性别:女  地区:其它  身高:  体重:  星座:白羊座  血型:未知  生日:1976-04-14  出生地区:澳大利亚 珀斯

Simone McAullay took dance lessons in Ballet and Jazz from an early age and continued until the age of 12. Next she decided to begin playing the Cello and play Volleyball. For 3 years she represented Australia in many Volleyball tournaments.

After graduating High School she entered Curtin University but never finished as she decided to do a lot of traveling around the world. She visited Adelaide, Byron Bay, England, France, Spain and Thailand. Without any formal training in acting she auditioned for the Actors Centre in Sydney from where she graduated in 2000.

Since 2003 she has played a role on the weekly Australian TV series "Heelers" as "Susie Raynor".

