
 别名:Vivien Cardone,Vivien Elisabeth Cardone (本名)  性别:女  地区:美国  身高:  体重:  星座:白羊座  血型:未知  生日:1993-04-14  出生地区:美国 纽约 杰斐逊港

Vivien Cardone was born on April 14, 1993 in the city of Port Jefferson, New York, which is located on Long Island. Vivien is the second oldest of four children. She began appearing at the age of 3 months in national campaign commercials, such as Pizza Hut, Sears, Pillsbury, Sherman Williams, and Prudential to name a few. She had her first big screen role as "Marcee Herman" in the Academy Award winning film "Beautiful Mind, A (2001)" and completed four seasons of The WB's "Everwood" as "Delia Brown." Her father, Mark, is a residential home builder and her mother is the CEO of LoreliDolls.com, a bookkeeper and owns "A Heavenly Delivery," a lawn sign company. Vivien was named after her mom's favorite actress, Vivien Leigh.

